
Watten House Private Launch Closed at 57% Sales

Watten House Private Launch closed at 57% sales

Watten House, situated on Shelford Road in District 11, created through a joint venture between UOL Group and Singapore Land Group (SingLand). These are top developers in Singapore real estate. Which is why the project has been launched so successfully in its November 2023 private launch. 华登嘉苑坐落于新加坡第11区的谢福德路,是由UOL集团和新加坡地产(SingLand)合作开发的。这两家是新加坡房地产领域的顶尖开发商,正因如此,该项目在2023年11月的私人发布中取得了如此成功的启动。

The Unveiling of Watten House at Private Launch Sold 57%

UOL-SingLand's recent announcement of the sale of 57% of Watten House's units on the first day of its private preview has set the stage for a new standard in upscale living. UOL-SingLand. 最近宣布在私人预览的第一天销售Watten House 57%的单位,为高档生活设定了新的标准。

The average price of $3,230 per square foot reflects the exclusivity and sophistication that define this freehold condominium. It has sold out 57% of the units already in the private launch to a group of very sophisticated buyers who know that Watten House is a gem of a purchase and a purchase of Freehold for Legacy.

每平方英尺3,230美元的平均价格反映了这个永久产权公寓的独特性和精致品味。在私人发布的前57%单位已售罄,售出给一群非常精明的购房者,他们知道Watten House是一次珍贵的购买,是永久业权的珍藏之选。

The Watten House Experience : Freehold Living in Legacy

Luxurious Living Amidst Nature

Watten House stands out not only for its architectural finesse but also for its strategic location. Surrounded by the lush greenery of MacRitchie Reservoir and the Singapore Botanic Gardens, residents can relish the tranquility of suburban living within the bustling metropolis. 华登嘉苑不仅以其建筑精湛而著称,还因其战略位置而独具特色。坐落在麦里芝蓄水池和新加坡植物园郁郁葱葱的绿地环绕之中,居民们可以在繁华都市中享受郊区生活的宁静。

Design Excellence

The project's design philosophy revolves around creating a palatial home with an Asian touch, characterized by vernacular roofs and elegant proportions. This meticulous attention to detail reflects the commitment to providing residents with a living experience that transcends the ordinary. 该项目的设计理念围绕着打造一个带有亚洲风情的宫殿式住宅,以本土屋顶和优雅的比例为特色。对细节的精心关注反映了对为居民提供超越寻常生活体验的承诺。

Rarity and Upside Potential

The robust sales is attributed to the rarity and potential upside of Watten House's location. Positioned in a predominantly Good Class Bungalow locale with renowned schools and lifestyle amenities in proximity, Watten House becomes not just a residence but a wise investment. 强劲的销售归功于华登嘉苑地理位置的罕见性和潜在增值。坐落在主要为优质别墅区的地理位置上,附近有着知名学校和生活便利设施,使得华登嘉苑不仅成为一个居所,更是一项明智的投资。

Community and Lifestyle

Watten House doesn't merely offer residences; it cultivates a Watten House Neighbour. With 96% of buyers being Singaporeans and permanent residents, the development is set to become a vibrant community hub. The proximity to top schools in the Bukit Timah area adds to the allure, making it an ideal choice for families. 华登嘉苑不仅仅提供住宅;它培育了一个华登嘉苑社区。由于96%的购房者是新加坡公民和永久居民,该发展项目注定将成为一个充满活力的社区中心。与武吉知马地区顶尖学校的接近增添了吸引力,使其成为家庭的理想选择。

Redevelopment Legacy

Watten House is a redevelopment of the former Watten Estate Condo., a testament to the commitment of UOL and SingLand in shaping legacies. The purchase of the estate en bloc for $550.8 million in October 2021 laid the foundation for this opulent development, showcasing a blend of heritage and modernity. 华登嘉苑是前华登庄园公寓的重新开发项目,是UOL和新加坡地产(SingLand)致力于打造传世的明证。该地产在2021年10月以5.508亿新元的价格整体购得,为这一豪华发展奠定了基础,展示了传统与现代的融合。

So what is next for Watten House

The Watten House Condo private launch is now closed. The showroom will be closed for 2023. Watten House Condo的私人发布现已结束。展厅将在2023年关闭.

From Mon 20 Nov 2023 onwards, showflat will be closed for viewing. However booking of units will still be possible till Sun 26 Nov. 从2023年11月20日星期一开始,展示厅将关闭,不再提供参观。但是,仍可以预订单位,直到11月26日星期日。

After 26 Nov 2023, there will be no more Watten House sales. Developer will reopen for sales when they do the official public launch next year. 在2023年11月26日之后,将不再进行华登嘉苑的销售。开发商将在明年进行正式的公开发布时重新开放销售。

--- Contact Us at (65) 90994422 for your Watten House interest. We will help you fulfill your dream of living in a freehold luxury condo. 请致电(65)90994422,咨询有关华登嘉苑的信息。我们将协助您实现在永久业权豪华公寓中生活的梦想。

Watten House Private Launch closed at 57% sales


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